Telephonic interview Sundaram finance 1.tell me about your self 2 . project. 3.sql loader. Why use loader 4. Analytical function. 5.merge purpose. 6.diff bw case and decode 7.index and types Why use bitmap index some example. 8.operator like and exit and in 9.null function. 10.what is mview 11.diff bw mview and view 12. Dbms profiler modeling 14.commit,rollback,savepoint 15.transaction. 16.cursor types,refcursor 17.diff bw rowtype and type and record 18.package and advantages 19. How to traffic control in package 20.triggers. 21. Wt is spool 22.diff bw lead and lag 23. Type of constraint you use in ur project. 24. U use subquery and explain 25. have 1000 line procedure. How to check which line error in that procedure. 26. How many procedure u created in your project. 27. Ur project is development project or not 28. How many tables u created in last fast years. What and all type of table u created in your project . 29. CTC,np